Attila Saghi is a structural engineer (from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and the University of Technology Delft (The Netherlands) with numerous recognition and certifications including Member of the Chamber of Architects, Designer of Building Structures, Head of Construction of Buildings and Civil Engineering Objects, Technical Supervisor of Buildings, Technical Supervisor of Civil Engineering Objects, Monument and Heritage Reconstruction Architect Expert, member of the UNESCO/ICOMOS, Member of Hungarian Project Management Association, Member of the FIDIC organization, Public Procurement Consultant, Project Developer expert, with over 20 years of experience in managing major real estate and refurbishment projects. In the past he had been the president of the Hungarian Heritage (Forster Center), where he directed the regional company and the activities of over 50 reconstruction projects along the country.
Currently he is the deputy CEO / Head of Development of the largest state owned real estate development company in charge for the development of the new Museum District in Budapest, Hungary.
In this position Attila oversees the areas of strategic planning, design and construction. His work has so far resulted in four finished, four ongoing and three other projects prepared to launch. In his spare time, he enjoys sailing, skiing, biking, climbing and gourmet cooking with his four children.